Friday, August 31, 2012

Have a Great Weekend and Go Lynx!

Today we took our first selection test of the year and the kids did fairly well on it.  I am doing some new things with the way I teach reading this year so it was nice to see good scores on the first test.  The results will be sent home at the beginning of next week.

We also took our first spelling test of the year.  They all did a great job.  A few of the students didn't take it today as they were out of the room at the time we took it.  We will make it up next week.  Those that did take it should be bringing it home today to share with you.

Remember there is NO SCHOOL next MONDAY.  Tuesday school will resume with a full day.  We are back to full days unless you hear differently between now and then. 

Get out and support the Lynx tonight as they have their home opener against Gilbert tonight.  Freshman play at 4:45 and Varsity starts at 7:30. 

Have a great weekend and stay cool!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Homecoming T-Shirt Orders

Order forms are due tomorrow!!!  Last day to order, they are usually pretty strict so if you don't return the order form tomorrow you might not get a shirt. 

Friday night will also be the home opener football game for the Lynx.  Make plans to support the Lynx!


We are winding down our first full week of school.  The kids have really impressed me this week with how well they have handled the hot weather.  When it is this warm it can be very hard to concentrate and focus but they all have done a great job.  The early outs have made a big difference. 

Tomorrow we will be taking our first reading selection test over the story Boom Town.  Ask your kids what Boom Town is about.  We will also be having our first final spelling test tomorrow.  The kids have had all week to study so they should be ready for the test tomorrow. 

I am looking for a parent volunteer that could work on some reading with kids.  This person would need to be available Thursdays and/or Fridays.  Thursday mornings anytime between 9:30 and 11:30 would work and Fridays would be anytime between 9:30 and 10:45.  This wouldn't have to be for the whole time, just sometime during those times.  If you are interested get ahold of me at school or email me. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Warm Front????

I'd say it's safe to say that warm front has moved in.  We will be dismissing two hours early the remainder of the week.  Please talk with your kids about their after school plans. 

There was homework given today that is due tomorrow.  Also sent home today were picture forms.  Pictures are Friday, September 7th.  Everyone doesn't have to purchase pictures but everyone will get their picture taken for the class photo that everyone will get a copy of. 

The kids may bring water bottles if they would like.  If they want to leave them at school that is fine but I would encourage them to dump them out each day. 

Stay cool!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy Monday!!!!

Our first full week of school has begun.  As odd as it sounds this will be the only Monday we have school in the first 4 weeks of school.  No school next Monday or the following Monday because of Labor Day and Teacher In-service. 

Tonight the students should bring home a spelling worksheet.  The worksheet needs to be worked on at some point this week.  It does NOT need to be returned to school at any point.  That is theirs to keep and to study from.  The spelling test will be on Friday.  I told the kids that we don't spend a lot of time on spelling in class so it will be their responsiblity to study the words at home. 

There will also be math homework tonight and the 15 minutes of reading as always. 

In math today we worked on telling time.  If you have an analog clock at home quiz your student from time to time about what time it is.  Discuss with them how the hour hand moves slowly from one number to the next. 

Remember the Homecoming T-shirt forms are due back by this Friday.  They are usually pretty strict with that deadline so if you plan on ordering I would do so ASAP. 

Follow us on twitter for quick little updates and reminders. 

Make it a great week!!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Our First Week is Complete!!!

Our first week is over.  We have had a great start of the year in 3rd grade.  Everyone is adjusting well and it almost seems like we have been in school for a while already.  The kids really know the routines and do a great job of doing what they are supposed to do. 

This morning almost everyone had their homework turned in before specials, that is great!  There will be homework over the weekend in math as we are moving right along. Remember to also keep reading 15 minutes a night.  The kids only need to read one 15 minute period over the weekend, but any extra is great.  

Happy Birthday to Kelanie Reyes-Siders on Sunday. Thanks for sharing cookies with us today. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and if you get the chance go cheer on the Lynx.  GO LYNX!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Full Day is Complete!

We had a great first full day today!!  We have started learning some of the reading routines and are full swing into math already.  We took a pre-test in math this afternoon and learned about number grids.  Much of what we learn early in math is review from last year. 

There will be math homework this evening.  Almost everyone returned their homework this morning.  That is great.  I explained to the kids that if they don't get their homework done at night or forget that they are more than welcome to come in the room in the morning instead of playing on the playground to get it finished. 

Happy Birthday to Bronwyn and thanks for the popsicles. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Great Start!!!

We are off to a great start!!  We have spent the last couple half days going over expectations and procedures for different things in the classroom and around school. I believe that if we go slow at the beginning and spend time learning these things then we will be able to go faster later and be able to get more done because we know the procedures and expectations so well.

The kids should have brought home a lot of different things today.  Their take-home folder, which they will bring home every night and will need to have signed every night, should have been filled with papers.  The important ones were the yellow packet and the math homelink.  The yellow papers are the parent letter for the first unit of math.  It talks about what we will be working on in the first unit and has answers to homework so you will be able to help your child if needed.  The math homelink should be completed and returned tomorrow.  They do not need to bring anything from home like the paper says. 

I hope everyone has had as good of a start as I have.  If there are any issues that have come up please contact me at the school and we will get them straightened out right away. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to Meet the Teacher

I'm glad that you were all able to come tonight.  This is our class blog that we will be using this year.  The blog will be a place where I can post information about what is happening in our classroom.  I try to put things on their daily during the year.  You can look at the blog from any computer that is connected to the internet.  You can also join the blog and become a member so you can comment on it. 

See you tomorrow for the first day!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to Third Grade!!!!!

Welcome to Third Grade!  I hope everyone is excited to start a new school year and is ready to learn a lot and have a lot of fun.  This blog will be used to post things that have been happening in the classroom.  There are links to websites that the kids can use at home, important dates, and much more.  I hope the kids and parents will utilize this blog and try to check it often.  I will do my best to update it almost daily.  I also encourage to to follow @mrbrimsclass on Twitter for quick updates.