Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First FULL Week!

I believe that this is the first week of school this year that we will have 5 full days.  That will be somewhat of a relief as we will have a little more time to get everything done.  We have been packing a full five days of work into 4 and 4 1/2 days all year. 

The "big" announcement for the day is:  The mile run will be tomorrow.  We will be running at about 8:55.  Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and it might be a good idea to have a sweatshirt along. 

Coming home today will be the Unit 2 Math Parent-Letter.  We took our Unit 1 test today and will begin Unit 2 tomorrow.  I would advise you to hang onto this letter as it can be very helpful throughout the unit to help with your student's homework.

Spelling words will also be coming home today.  They are on a worksheet that can be completed at home this week. 

I hope everyone has a great week as we work together to help our kids learn!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Have a Great Weekend!

Tomorrow is the first day of Fall.  Enjoy your weekend with this great fall weather. 

The Fall Walk was a success and I have a few pictures to share.  There is no homework this weekend other than the 15 minutes of reading. 

Take advantage of the great homecoming activities, if possible take your kids to the parade and the game tonight.

The sidewalk was packed with kids.
Taking a break for a drink at hospital hill.
High school athletes and cheerleaders leading a pep rally at hospital hill. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Exciting Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow will be a fun-filled, exciting day all around Webster City.

Remember, tomorrow is the Fall Walk here at Sunset.  Make sure your child is dressed accordingly.  It can be chilly in the mornings so a sweatshirt or jacket might be a good idea.  We will also be walking quite a ways so I would advise comfortable walking shoes. 

Don't forget the early release for the homecoming parade tomorrow. 

We almost had a full week of school this week but not quite.  Reading tests were taken today and the students did really well.  This was our best test as a whole this year.  We will do our best to squeeze in the spelling test to our busy day tomorrow.  Study those words!!

I will also be sending home a letter this evening about an upcoming field trip.  Please send back the half-sheet of paper that will be attached to the letter to let me know what your child will be doing for lunch on that day.  Look for more information about the field trip at a later day. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fall Walk

Friday morning we will be having our annual Fall Walk.  The Fall Walk is put on by Mr. Hisler, the PE teacher.  Mr. Hisler works very hard to make sure this ends up being an enjoyable event for both students and teachers.  If you know Mr. Hisler or run into him thank him for all he does for our PE program as the one and only K-4 PE teacher.

The Fall Walk is actually a national event that schools all across the nation will take part in this fall.  The purpose of the event is to help promote a healthy lifestyle by exercising.  The event is meant to show students how easy it is to get out and exercise.  The event also helps raise awareness about childhood obesity. 

Friday morning at 9:00 we will leave Sunset and walk to the west end of the Brewer Creek trail.  There we will meet up with students from Pleasant View and join them as we walk toward Pleasant View.  When we arrive at the Brewer Creek Shelter we will stop for a water break.  While we are at hospital hill we will also be enjoying a homecoming pep assembly that will be put on by the high school cheerleaders and fall athletes. 

Friday should be a fun and exciting day for everyone involved.  

Remember that school will be dismissing two hours early Friday for the homecoming parade.  A homecoming parade is not something that all schools get to enjoy so make sure you take advantage of the opportunity and take your kids to the parade.  Following the parade Friday evening the Lynx football team will be playing Algona.  This is one of the few home football games this season so make sure you get out and support the Lynx.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No Homework

There is no homework that needs to be returned to school.  I still would encourage you to sign the take-home folder.  The 15 minutes of nightly reading is still expected and the kids should be bringing home a spelling sheet to work on at home.

The temperature in classroom is much more comfortable after the cooler weather has moved in.  Remember to send appropriate clothing with your child.  We will be outside for recess unless it is raining.  I also like to keep it cooler in the classroom and having a sweatshirt to put on might not be a bad idea. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Awesome Everyday Math Homework Link!!!!

Added today to the LINKS section you will see Everyday Math HomeLinks.  This will take you to a website where you can print off any of the HomeLinks.  If you child loses theirs or something happens to it on the way home or at home you can simply print off another one and still be ready for the next day. 

Will we ever have a "normal" week?

MAP testing began this morning and went well.  There is a lack of computers here at Sunset for everyone to take it here so we traveled to Pleasant View this morning to take our tests there.  Some students haven't quite finished, but will be given time before the week is over.  It really helps that everyone was here today.  Making up these tests can be difficult.  Our next test will be Math and will be tomorrow afternoon out at the college. 

There is homework in math tonight.  Please help your child and make sure to read the directions carefully. 

Homecoming shirts came in today and will be sent home this afternoon.  Thank you for supporting the FFA program.  I know the students in FFA and Mr. V really appreciate all the support as this is a huge project for them. 

Try to make plans to support the Lynx Friday at their second of only four home games this year.  The parade will be at 2:30 Friday.  Remember, we will be dismissing at 1:12 for the homecoming festivities. 

Let's make it a great week!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

MAP Testing

MAP testing will begin next week.  MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress.  We will be taking a math test, reading test, and language test.  Make sure your child is well rested next week so we are able to do our best. 

We will be taking Reading on Monday, Math on Tuesday, and Language on Wednesday.  The results should be back to go over at conferences in November. 

Happy Friday!!!

We have had yet another great week in third grade. 

Today we took our reading and spelling test.  The reading test was disappointing but will get better.  Talk with your child about the importance of doing their best work on tests.  The spelling tests were great as they always have been.  This shows that the kids are studying the words at home, that is great. 

This afternoon we had an all school recess.  The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders were all able to play together outside.  We may make this a Friday tradition. 

Remember, next week we will be having school on Monday.  We will be dismissing two hours early Friday for Homecoming.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It has been a busy, busy, week here at Sunset for both students and teachers.  Yesterday I attended a training session for a new program that we will be starting here at Sunset.  Eventually this program will be available for your student to use at home to work on specific skills that they may be struggling with.  I am excited to implement this and hope we are all able to take advantage of it. 

The students have also been busy as we crammed a weeks worth of learning into 4 days again.  We are moving right along in our curriculum as we will take our 3rd selection test tomorrow and the 3rd spelling test.  Make sure to study those spelling words.  It makes all the difference when it comes time for the test.  If you are able to study with your child don't only memorize the spelling of the words but work with them on the patterns within the words.  All of the words this week have an ending of -ED, -ING, -ER, -EST.  They have learned this week how to change the endings of the base words to add those ending. 

Math is moving right along and a majority of the students are doing a tremendous job of turning in their finished homework each morning.  I think our take home folder routine is paying off huge.  Please remember to check your child's folder each night and to sign the assignment sheet to confirm that you have looked at the folder. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Great New Link

Check out the new link in the link box.  Scholastic Story Starter is a great random writing prompt generator.  A great way to get your kids interested in writing and a great thing for those kids that already love to write. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back At It!!!

Another short week that is sure to be busy!

Yesterday was spent listen to Mike Mattos who is an intervention expert.  I have included a short video here that Mr. McGrane found it explains what he spoke with us about.

Believe it or not parents can also help intervene with their child.  All the students in our classroom have been given a skill to focus on in reading for the week.  The skills are things such character, sequence, vocabulary, main idea, etc.  Ask your child what they are to focus on this week and discuss that skill with them.  If their skill is character ask them about the character in the book they are reading at home or in the story they read at school.  This can go a long way in helping your child improve.  

Today we went over last week's selection test and started another story in reading.  This week's story is Alexander, Who Used To Be Rich Last Sunday.  This is another Alexander story by Judith Viorst that wrote the more popular Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Here is a link to a video of that story.  There are 3 parts. 

 The kids should all be bringing home a spelling worksheet to complete at home sometime this week.  It doesn't need to be returned to school.  Keep studying at home. 

Today was the 11th anniversary of 9/11 so we watched a video about 9/11 and spent some time talking about what happened that day.  Sometimes these things can be difficult to talk about with children, but I feel they are important to discuss as that day was so important in the history of our nation.  I do my best to keep the discussion at an appropriate level for third grade students and the students do a great job of keeping their questions and comments appropriate.  

In math we learned how to play Beat the Calculator and reviewed a little bit.  There will be no math homework tonight. 

Tomorrow afternoon I will be at another meeting and there will be a sub here for math.  I think the kids will do just fine with a sub as they are all great kids.  

Let's all do our part to make this a great week of learning! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Cooler Weather

We finally got some cooler weather with the rain. It was still plenty warm in the classroom but it was a lot more bearable.

Pictures were this morning and everyone looked great and had great smiles. More kids purchased pictures this year than any other year, which is awesome!

There is no homework this weekend other than the usually 15 minutes of reading.

Remember, this is another 3 day weekend as there isn't any school on Monday because of staff development.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the game tomorrow. Go Hawks!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Another Week (almost) Down

I apologize for not writing on the blog or twitter at all this week.  The week has flown by and I can believe that we are finishing our 3rd week of school already. 

Remember that Friday will be school pictures.  We will be getting our pictures taken first thing in the morning.
Friday we will be taking our second selection test and second spelling test.  The kids did great on their spelling test last week and it really showed that they studied at home.  I hope we will have a repeat this week.

There was no homework on Wednesday night, but there will be tonight.  Some students have had questions about homework and said their parents weren't able to help them.  That is completely understandable as the math program is very different than the math that was taught before.  Remember at the beginning of each unit I send home a parent letter that explains some of the concepts and gives answers for the homework.  Hang on to those letters as they can be a huge help when attempting to help your student.

I hope everyone is having a great week and that everyone had a great Labor Day.