Thursday, May 30, 2013

What Different Dogs Are Used For

Check out what Mollie, Emma, and Devon did during Genius Hour today. #geniushour is an idea that Mrs. Bertran shared with me that she found on Twitter. Students keep track of things they want to learn about or have questions about. Then every once in a while they are given the freedom to do whatever they want to learn about whatever they want. They may then produce whatever they want to show what they have learned. Some other topics were Pete Gray, who was a one handed baseball player. We just finished reading a book about a one handed boy who played baseball. Another topic was what stingrays eat, what sharks eat, black panthers eat, penguins, spiders, and more!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Track Day Tomorrow

Let's hope the weather is decent tomorrow like it was today.  Tomorrow will be the annual Sunset Heights Relays.  The whole school will be going up to the high school to compete in several different events.  Each student should get two events to compete in. 

Mr. Hisler puts a lot of time and effort into making this a great day for all students.  It is really fun and always a highlight of everyone's year. 

If you are interested in watching you do so.  The events will begin around 11 and conclude around 2:30.  We will also be eating lunch at the high school track.  If you do come please understand that lunch will only be available for students and school staff. 

Look for pictures and highlights tomorrow evening on the blog from the Sunset Heights Relays. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Under 10!!

We now have less than 10 days left of Third Grade!!!  I can't believe how fast the year has gone.

We will be finishing our last reading story and spelling list this week.  Next week we will spend time working on the Unit 6 Benchmark reading test, a fun spelling test, and an end of the year writing where each student will write a letter to a 2nd grader letting them know what they need to know to be successful in 3rd grade. 

In math we are continuing our unit about weight, measurement, and capacity.  There will be math homework off and on up until the end of next week.  I also hope to finish our Measurement and Matter unit in Science before the end of the year.  The kids have really enjoyed the new science program and I think they have learned a lot from it. 

Make sure to check out the important dates section to see what other things are coming up here at the end of the year!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Movie Night

There will be a free movie playing tonight at the middle school sponsored by the PTO.  The movie is WRECK IT RALPH and will begin at 6:30.  Bring the whole family!

School supply order forms were sent home today.  They can be ordered online or the order form can be returned to school before June 4th.  Ordering the supplies this way is optional. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Busy, Busy

It is near the end of the year and we are busy, busy here at Sunset.  The next few weeks will only become busier.  This will probably cut into my blogging but I will do my best to put important updates on here so make sure you check back often.

Tomorrow the kids will be taking a Spelling test.  They have both math and science homework tonight.  The science is actually more like math as it deals with averages.  Some students may have completed their math homework as they were given time to work on it in class so if they say that is the case it may be. 

It still feels like the end of the year is a little ways off but it will be here before we know it.  It certainly feels like summer outside. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Second Try for the Mile

Tomorrow will be our classes day for the mile run.  Make sure your child dresses appropriately and has tennis shoes.  It is supposed to be very warm tomorrow.

There is no math homework this evening.  Your child should be bringing home spelling practice book pages and they may also read and practice math facts like always.  Next week will be the last week of our math fact competition.  The winner will get lunch with me from their choice of restaurant in town. 

As a trial for a possible restructuring of 3rd grade next year Mrs. Ferrell's class and my class will be switching things up this week.  Mrs. Ferrell will teach two sections of reading and spelling.  I will be teaching two sections of math.  We will each be teaching writing, vocabulary, and science to our own students.  This went really well today and the kids all did a great job. 

Let the countdown begin, we have 15 days of school left!!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mile Run

Our class will be running the mile tomorrow.  To go along with the mile and all the measurement that we have been talking about we will be going out and marking off yard lines for the softball throw and 50 yard dash that will take place in PE next week. 

There is a sheet of math homework to be completed tonight.  Also, if you haven't signed your child's math test and sent it back to school with them please do so tomorrow. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

60s and Snow

For the first time I think we had students running around in shorts and t-shirts at recess while there were still a couple patches of snow on the playground. 

I am sending home your child's math test from Friday.  We checked them today and I have gone over them with almost every kid individually.  I am asking that you go over your child's test with them and sign it to confirm that and have them return it to school. 

Your child should also be bringing home spelling words to practice.  I will get their test checked and back to them tomorrow.  They should have brought home a practice book page that they can use to study.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Math Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will be having our Unit 9 Math Test.  We spent our math time today reviewing so there is not a sheet of math homework tonight.  That should give everyone time to practice their math facts.  Our checkered flag multiplication competition will be ending on May 24th.  The person with the most laps that day will get to choose one other person who has also completed at least one lap and a restaurant in town for me to order lunch from.  As of today our leader, Taylor, has 12 laps.  That means in the month of April she practiced her math facts for 375 minutes.  Way to go Taylor!!!