Friday, November 30, 2012

Student Work Added

I added a couple stories under the student work tab.  We worked this week on writing stories about what we did over Thanksgiving.  Make sure to check those out. 

Also, please participate in the poll to the right.  I would like to see how much the blog is being utilized. 

No Homework.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Spelling and Reading Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow will be our spelling and reading test.  Ask your student about the story Pushing Up the Sky.  Study their spelling words with them so they are ready for the test.  We have not had much of a chance to study here at school this week.

Please take part in the poll to the right.  I would like to see how interested people are in the blog and will be conducting some polls to find out. 

If there is something that you would like to see happen with the blog or something you would like to see done differently leave a comment on this post.  I would like this space to be useful for YOU!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Unit 4 Math Test

The Unit 4 Math Test will take place tomorrow afternoon.  We will then go over the test on Friday and begin Unit 5 next week. 

Reading, Reading, Reading!!!

As you should know reading is a huge focus in 3rd grade.  Reading is being focused on by all grades here at Sunset this year more than ever because of our SINA classification. 

Part way through the month of October our class started a Book-It program.  The Book-It program has been around for many years as it is something that I remember enjoying as a kid.  The purpose of the Book-It program is to get kids motivated to read.  Students who meet their monthly reading goal will get a certificate for a free pizza from Pizza Hut. 

All year students have been asked to read 15 minutes each night as part of their homework.  Just this small amount of time spent on reading can improve their ability tremendously.  Students may read more than the 15 required minutes if they wish.  No matter how many minutes they read I ask that they record it on their weekly assignment sheet.  In order to record their minutes to count toward the Book-It program their sheet must be signed by a parent or guardian.  We also set a class goal each month, but will never meet it without everyone working together.  The November goal for the class is 6,200 minutes.  That means each student in our class needs to read on average of just 10 minutes per day.  I think this is a very attainable goal.  The November goal might be slightly out of reach as we had some students not participate this month.  I hope you will help us achieve our goal in December and also help push your child to do their part to get as close to our November goal as possible. 

Sunset has also formed a Literacy Committee that will be hosting a "Cozy Winter Reading Night".  The date is set for December 18th.  Look for more details to come soon. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Little Behind!!

For the second time this year I apologize for my lack of blogging.  I really try to stay on top of it, but at the end of the day it slips my mind sometimes.  I will try to get back into regular blogs to keep you posted about what is happening in 3rd grade.

This week in reading we are reading a story called Pushing Up the Sky.  It is a play about a Native American tale.  Ask your kids to give you a summary of the story.

In math we will be close to finishing Unit 4 this week.  It is time to really start practice on those multiplication facts at home.  The more the kids practice the better they will be.

There is homework tonight in math. 

Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Can You Believe It?

Tomorrow is the last day of the first trimester.  Amazing if you ask me.  We have been busy, busy here this week.  There have been a lot of students gone so we are working hard to get everyone caught up for the end of the trimester.  With all of the illness going around make sure you are teaching your kids and helping them practice healthy habits.  Washing hands can make a huge difference.  Have them wash their hands as soon as they get home to get all of the germs from school and the bus off. 

We have begun our 3rd unit in reading.  This week's story is titled The Gardener.  The test will be next Tuesday.  The next spelling final test will also be next Tuesday. 

There is homework in math today.  Remember to sign your student's folders so they get credit for their reading minutes. 

Friday, November 9, 2012


Some of the kids thought it was disgusting, some it didn't really bother.  We spent a little time this afternoon cleaning out the garden boxes that had vegetables planted in them last spring.  The gardens were full of dried plants and roots but also full of rotten tomatoes. This was the final stage of the gardening project as they have seen what it takes to grow something from the beginning to the end.  The process will be repeated in the spring.  Here is a picture of all the third grades hard at work cleaning the gardens.  (Click on the photo to enlarge.)

There is no homework other than reading this weekend.  I have asked the kids to have their parents start signing off on their reading minutes.  This is by suggestion from the committee that is devising a plan for our district to get back on track in reading.  I would really appreciate your cooperation with this.  Simply signing the weekly assignment sheet each night lets me know that you agree with the number of minutes they recorded at the top.  Please have them write how many minutes they actually read even if it was the standard 15. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reading and Spelling Test Tomorrow

Tomorrow we will be taking our spelling test and reading test over the story William's House.  Make sure to study those spelling words tonight.  Ask your kids about the story William's House.  The more they can tell you about it the better they will do on the test.

Coming home today is a gold packet titled: Unit 4 Family Letter.  Remember to save this letter throughout the unit as it can help you help your child with their homework as confusion or questions come up.  Tonight there is math homework that deals with arrays.  Arrays are simply a picture that depicts how many groups of an item there are and how many items are in each group.  It basically helps students to put multiplication facts into a a picture. 

We will also be finishing our first pen pal letter tomorrow.  Our pen pals are volunteers through RSVP program.  Ask your child about their pen pal. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Author Visit

This morning at Sunset we were lucky enough to have author David Sargent here along with some of his dogs.  Ask your kids about his visit this morning.

In math we started our 4th unit.  I will send home the family letter explaining some of the things in the unit tomorrow.  I couldn't find it at the end of the day today.

Each student should have gotten a Scholastic News today.  We didn't read this at school at all.  Take a few minutes to read it with them.  They don't have to return this to school.  I would also encourage you to take a look at some of the links that are in the Scholastic News.  I have heard there is some really cool stuff that goes along with the articles on the internet. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sunset Voting Results

The online votes have been tallied now. 

A total of 325 people voted today at Sunset.  Some voted online and some physically turned in a ballot.  That is a great turn out!

237 votes were made for Barack Obama.
88 votes were made for Mitt Romney.

That makes Obama the winner by a long ways at Sunset Heights.

I hope everyone reading this that is of voting age took advantage of living in the United States today and exercised their right to vote.  Remember we are lucky to be able to do so.  

Election Day

I hope everyone has had a chance to get out and vote.  If not the polls are open until 9 pm so try to do so.  We had a mock election here at Sunset today.  We used a website that won't let us see any results however until after they close their polls at 4 pm.  Look back on the blog later for results of our Sunset election. 

There is no homework tonight.  We will be starting our 4th unit of math tomorrow.  We are going to be starting to do more and more with multiplication facts.  If you are able to purchase or make multiplication flash cards it can make a huge difference for your student. 

Student Voting

Click Vote to vote.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Conference Day

I look forward to seeing everyone today for conferences.  It will be a busy night so please try to be on time.

Tomorrow is the last day of Red Ribbon Week so it is wear red day.  We had a lot of donations that will go to a great cause so thanks to those of you that sent items with your student.

We have a local celebrity in our class as Hallie ended up in the newspaper with her very unique Halloween costume.  Check it out here:  Freeman Journal

I will be gone tomorrow, but I am sure everyone will be great for our sub.  Have a great weekend and enjoy this Fall weather.