Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Winter is Coming!

Sounds like there will be snow tonight.  Listen to the radio, look online, or check twitter for updates about school closing. 

There is a double-sided math worksheet for homework tonight.  Keep going on those reading minutes. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 more days until break!!

Just 3 more days of school until winter break.  It is hard to believe that we are almost half done with the school year already!!

We will be finishing Unit 5 in math this week and taking a test on Thursday.

This week we are not reading a new story in reading.  We are taking the week to review and work on our animal research papers.  The kids are doing a great job researching and writing about their animals. 

Friday afternoon a movie will be shown.  The kids had their choice to buy a ticket for the movie today or not.  Some did and some chose not to buy a ticket because they would like to go to the reading room Friday afternoon instead of watch the movie.  It is great that we have kids so interested in reading. 

Remember to keep recording and signing off on the reading minutes. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

MAP Test

Friday afternoon our class will be taking the Winter Reading MAP test.  This is something that has never been done before at Sunset.  Usually students take the MAP test at the beginning and end of the year.  We thought it would be a good idea to check our students in the area of reading to see what kind of progress they have made so far this year.  I met with each student and helped them map our their MAP scores from the end of 2nd grade and the beginning of 3rd grade.  We are hoping that each student will improve 5 or more points from their highest of the two previous scores.  The students will know by the end of the day how they did. (If they finish the test.)  Ask them how they did.  I expect that we will have a lot of students who have met their goal. 

Remember to keep reading and recording the minutes on the Weekly Assignment Sheet.  They must also have a parent signature on that sheet each day to verify that they did read what they say they did. 

There will be no homework over the weekend other than to read. 

Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The next time we see a repeating date will be January 1st of 2101 or 2111.  Depending on how technical you want to be about it.  I probably won't be around but it is interesting to think that some of the students might be.

There is math homework tonight.  We started talking about decimals today.  The flat is worth ONE, a long is worth a TENTH, and a cube is worth a HUNDREDTH.  Below are a couple slides from our lesson today that might help explain a little better.

Happy Birthday to Cydney today.  Thanks for the yummy treats!