Thursday, February 16, 2012

This morning we took our Selection Test over the story that we read this week, Rocks In His Head.  We had a lot of really great scores and the students did a great job.  We also had a really great class discussion to help us review for the test.  I have started holding discussions about the stories where the kids can ask questions but instead of me answering them another student needs to answer it.  We get into some really great discussions and I think it really helps them on their tests. 

We started Unit 7 in math today.  The first lesson was short and we have already been working on multiplication so the kids did really well.  We actually went ahead and did another lesson and got through that also.  For this reason they have TWO sheets of homework tonight.  Both sheets need to be done and returned in the morning.

Remember if for whatever reason your child doesn't have the opportunity to kid their homework done at home they may do it in the morning in my room.  They can come right in when they get there and get it done.  If they need to eat breakfast at school have them eat quick and come down to the room to get it finished.  This works best if they can bring back the homework that was sent home with them.  That way I don't have to make extra copies in the morning for them which I don't always have time for.  If you have any questions about this procedure don't hesitate to ask. 

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